Line of Sight (series) by Shadowen
这系列前三篇在SY上都已经有翻译,时间线在Avenger电影之前。最好看的是第一部Fifty Pound Draw,主要讲探员Coulson如何和棘手的新探员Clint成功勾搭成功——不过是在一次失败的任务中。Clint受了伤被Phil带着各种跑,途中几次他都觉得Phil要抛弃他了(考虑冷酷无情的上下级关系这也未必不合理)但显然Phil让他意外了。两人到达了最近的城市之后,Phil出去联络的时候被当地军阀抓走。Clint醒来发现不对,出去找Phil后联系上SHIELD,Fury命令他回去,但Clint抓了弓就去追Phil了。这个作者的动作戏张力十足必须点赞。
下面三篇短篇是讲成为情人的日常。第二篇讲可怜的Coulson不成功的约会计划……探员你不能用有钱人的脑袋去想事啊你这个死有钱人!第三篇Double Shot最赞,讲Fury怎么和Clint沟通……Clint各种以为Fury准备将他毁尸灭迹实在是HHP。第四篇涉及OC的sexual insult……不太喜欢这个梗。
第五篇Weapon of Choice基本回到第一部水准,两人试图追在Black Widow后面追回SHIELD流出的重要情报硬盘,故事以Natasha被Clint说服进入SHIELD作结。这篇主要讲的还是信任问题,我觉得作者把两人的信任关系写得很好。这次打斗场景在船上(第一部在火车上)照样很赞。当然和第一部一样有拷问情节……嗯,好吧,怀疑是作者的趣味(喂。但是这部的开头我真心喜欢:
Phil liked to have a plan. He liked strategies, contingencies, lines of approach, points of ingress, and a definite final goal. Plans fostered confidence, reduced losses, and kept the mission clear when things went wrong.
After a year, he’d learned that the very best laid plans tended to fly straight out the window when Clint was involved.
Clint himself also had a tendency to go flying out windows, but that was a different issue entirely.
Hollow Your Bones Like a Bird's by scifigrl47
“And where shall I send my eighty person legal staff?” he asked, his voice saccharine. “Because they're bored. And you know what they fucking LOVE? They love the chance to rip apart existing law and build it from the ground up. I think we can keep the US government busy for the next couple of decades.”
“You must believe me,” she repeated. “I did not know he was the one you mourned. But when you told me- I suspected. The weight of your grief seemed connected somehow. I could not free one without freeing the other.” She folded her hands in her lap, her face tired. “I carried the memory of your song to him. I told him, the singer was not dead.”
Clint choked on a laugh and a mouthful of water. “No fucking way.” He pressed the heel of his hand to the bridge of his nose, trying to drive out the ache that was already forming there. “The Water Is Wide.”
“And it was. He lingered by a lake. He said, it was where you met. Where you saved his life. He would not leave it now, not until your song called him home.”
None of it made sense, but at the same time, as he looked at her, it made perfect sense. “Thank you.”
The Orphan Boy by bendingwind
Some People Just Collect Stamps by Closer
Words May Fail (The Body Remains) by ladyflowdi
Anyone who knows Agent Coulson knows three things.
1. He is incapable of saying no when presented with dessert of any kind.
2. He’s got a collection of antique Captain America memorabilia that could make even the most manly of men drop to their knees and cry like a little girl.
3. He’s a bona fide ex-military badass, and can and will end you at any time, for anything.
这个作者非常喜欢用上述这种风趣的列举法,包括后来Clint在三个月内认识到Natasha的三件事,之类。她的文笔也比较轻松愉悦,略带搞笑夸张的地方和情绪低沉的地方转换得正好。第一章主要是Clint进入SHIELD的头两年和怎么慢慢和Phil搞上的(非常不对),我很喜欢这种特工生活描写段落,比较接地气,有点儿肥皂剧感觉挺欢乐的。Clint因为违背命令救Natasha被降级之后在通风管道里搭窝那段非·常·赞,即使Clint跑到管道里也依然能在他窝里留即时贴的探员真是Good job不解释。
不过第一章基本就在Clint一直一直想推倒Phil但Phil严守规章不让推中间度过了。(什么,有受伤和虐心被我忽略了?没听见。)第二章主要是讲怎么聚集Avenger的成员,而且他们还见家长并且结·婚了。Clint见家长的时候拉了大提琴真是喜闻乐见w 第三章则又是……依然是Clint视角面对Phil的死,不过这次他的心理治疗师没那么给力,逼得Clint砸窗子了(不对)。其实第三章前半感觉还好,但最后……略急转直下??是我看太快没看懂?总之就是莫名出现一段情节交代了Loki的问题但感觉很突兀,然后就是探员夫夫的HE了???
Talk to Me by laceymcbain
这篇意外地好,虽然不长。少有的设定Clint在成为探员后才认识Phil的梗。Agent Coulson被设定是Fury调进来的空降人员,在出现之前全体神盾局成员都在猜这是个什么人,有一段简直笑死:
On top of everything else, Coulson's supposed to be ex-CIA, ex-FBI, ex-MI-6, ex-NSA, and a few other acronyms Clint isn't familiar with. At this point, Clint wouldn't be surprised to hear the guy can walk on water he's turned into wine, too.
毕竟可都是被传成“嗯,他是蝙蝠侠”的男人了23333。同时也是一篇P→C而不是像Words May Fail里面那么坚持地C→P的文。用Talk to me这句话串起全文的感觉很赞。还有因为被求婚就恐慌大发作的Clint啊www
I Trust You to Kill Me by ghostrunner
Only his ring finger knows by sirona
If he's the only one out of the two of them who can wear his ring all the time, well, he'll do it happily, for both of them, a visual reminder of just who it is that holds the other half of the pair.
Be Calm, Look Cute by pollyrepeat
这篇捏的梗超级萌~Phil和Clint先后被缩小光线打中变回十六岁还要去中学卧底www 然后Phil醒来看见美国队长这段可真·萌·死·了。十六岁的小Phil向Clint表白甚至准备了全套那啥准备扑倒的时候他们变回去了,稍微别扭了一下就HE了……不愧是狗男男组合(喂。